Cake Balls

I can’t take credit for this recipe.  I  blame credit Pioneer Woman who technically can’t claim it either. She posts about that here in which she properly gives Bakerella all the glory.


Here’s my less than perfect attempt at the lucious creations:

You can click the links above for the original recipe, but it’s really simple:

Bake a cake, let it cool. Mush it up with a can of icing, roll it into balls, chill to firm, then dip in melted chocolate.  Voila!


5 comments on “Cake Balls

  1. I have never heard of this before, thank you for posting the fondant pictures so I would find these fattening delights! mmm. I am going to make these for a friend of mine, who loves, LOVES chocolate and CAKE.

  2. I want desperately to try this… but don’t want to have to pay the price……. ugh. every time I see the above picture I drool……. mmmm…..

    • you just need to make them when you can bring the batch to someone else’s house…you need to SHARE with lots of others..leaving yourself with only a couple *snort*

  3. Insane. Another version is crushed Oreos mixed with cream cheese, rolled into balls and dipped into chocolate, white if you like. Dangerous eating. 🙂

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